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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Method # 3 Where in the world?

Directions, directions!
I looked back and wonder how people did it with only maps.
Now google simplifies all this and it is one of the best things that happened. However it is not likely that referring to these maps will be a time tested thing as people move to their phones for real time turn by turn direction.
I tried creating a map but it was not that easy at first but when iIfinally was making headway I realized I had no need for this map so then I stopped.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beyond Method #

Customization is really a good thing. Apart from the fact that you can make it your own there is a also the ability to change whenever. Content is fluid and as search there is the need to be flexible and innovative especially with homepages to attract traffic.
I like what Dublin City libraries did with their page It enabled them to put as much information on the webpage without it looking cluttered. It is impressive and a delight to view the page.